First Trimester Pregnancy Care

Prenatal care is essential to help both mom and baby stay healthy throughout the pregnancy.


During this exciting time, we provide you with the necessary care to have an optimal start to your pregnancy journey. Dr. Friberg will monitor your pregnancy through the first trimester before he releases you to the OB who will see you through delivery.

Specialized Care for High-risk Pregnancies

Pregnancies that occur from infertility treatment are considered to be high risk. Therefore, Dr. Friberg takes a careful approach to these pregnancies by seeing them more regularly. Through physical exam, blood tests and ultrasounds, we keep a close watch on you until you reach your second trimester.

This careful surveillance during the first trimester has been scientifically proven to reduce the risk for miscarriages and improve the parents’ comfort.

Non-invasive Prenatal Genetic Screening

During pregnancy, small DNA fragments from the baby circulate in the mother’s blood. After about 9-10 weeks of gestation, these fragments can be examined, and the baby’s genetic profile can be revealed. This means that chromosome abnormalities in the baby, such as Down’s syndrome, Edward’s syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome, Turner’s syndrome and many others, can be detected as well as the sex chromosomes from the baby. A simple blood test is sent to a specialty laboratory, and results are available in 2-3 weeks.